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Kargıcak Transfer Regions

from 81.9

Antalya - Kargicak

Kargicak is a settlement in the Alanya district of Antalya. Due to its proximity to Alanya, it has recently attracted the attention of local and foreign tourists. For this reason, Kargicak attracts a lot of tourists in the summer months. Since it is close to Alanya, there are many places to visit on a daily basis.


 Where to go in Kargicak?


 -Kargicak Beach


 Kargicak Beach impresses visitors with its sea and greenery behind it. Because it is more wavy than other beaches in Alanya, relatively few tourists prefer this place. However, those who want to swim in the shores can enjoy this sea.


 -Alanya Castle


 Alanya Castle is very close to Kargicak. This tower, which is one of the symbols of Alanya, was built in the Hellenistic period. This tower, which has survived during the times of many civilizations, was rebuilt during the Seljuk period. Some of the water cisterns built inside are still used today.


 -Dim Stream


 Another valuable natural beauty in Alanya is the Dim Stream. Domestic and foreign tourists, who are bored with the hot and sweltering air of the Mediterranean climate, are refreshed by the cool air of Dim Stream in every season. There are many facilities around this creek where tourists can relax. Rafting can be done in certain parts of the river.


 -Dim Cave


 Dim Cave is located in an elevated position. It contains many stalactites, stalagmites and columns. The temperature inside is generally low and therefore it has a very suitable air to cool off. There is also a small pond. Apart from the beauty of the inside, the outside of the cave is also quite beautiful. Many places of Alanya can be viewed from here due to its high altitude.


 How to go to Kargicak?


 After arriving in Antalya, it is necessary to go another 140 kilometers to reach Kargicak. This route takes approximately 130 minutes. After arriving at Antalya Airport, VAC Transfer will appear in front of those who are looking for Antalya Airport Kargicak transfer or Kargicak Antalya Airport transfer company. With its vehicles and experienced employees, VAC Transfer offers the best travel experience to domestic and foreign tourists. Thanks to Kargicak transfer, you can enjoy a comfortable and safe journey. Tourists who want to find Antalya Kargicak transfer company over the internet come across VAC Transfer. Thanks to Kargicak Antalya transfer, they reach the holiday resort safely. VAC Transfer is the right choice for a safe, comfortable and enjoyable journey.